The Art of Computer Programming Book by Donald Knuth
![]() The Fine art of Figurer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms | |
Writer | Donald Knuth |
Country | United States |
Linguistic communication | English language |
Genre | Not-fiction Monograph |
Publisher | Addison-Wesley |
Publication date | 1968– (the book is still incomplete) |
Media type | Print (Hardcover) |
ISBN | 0-201-03801-3 |
Dewey Decimal | 519 |
LC Grade | QA76.75 |
The Art of Computer Programming ( TAOCP ) is a comprehensive monograph written by the computer scientist Donald Knuth presenting programming algorithms and their analysis.
Knuth began the projection, originally conceived every bit a single book with twelve chapters, in 1962. The first three volumes of what was and so expected to be a seven-volume set up were published in 1968, 1969, and 1973. Work began in earnest on Volume 4 in 1973, but was suspended in 1977 for work on typesetting prompted by the second edition of Volume 2. Writing of the terminal copy of Volume 4A began in longhand in 2001, and the first online pre-fascicle, 2A, appeared later in 2001.[1] The first published installment of Volume 4 appeared in paperback equally Fascicle 2 in 2005. The hardback Volume 4A, combining Book 4, Fascicles 0–4, was published in 2011. Book 4, Fascicle 6 ("Satisfiability") was released in December 2015; Volume four, Fascicle v ("Mathematical Preliminaries Redux; Backtracking; Dancing Links") was released in November 2019.
The published Fascicles 5 and 6 are expected to brand up the showtime two-thirds of Volume 4B. Knuth has not announced any estimated appointment for release of Volume 4B, although his method used for Volume 4A is to release the hardback volume sometime after release of the paperback fascicles contained in it. Almost-term publisher estimates put the release date at May or June 2019, which proved to be wrong.[2] [3]
History [edit]
Afterwards winning a Westinghouse Talent Search scholarship, Knuth enrolled at the Case Institute of Technology (now Case Western Reserve University), where his performance was and then outstanding that the faculty voted to laurels him a master of scientific discipline upon his completion of the bachelor degree. During his summertime vacations, Knuth was hired by the Burroughs Corporation to write compilers, earning more in his summer months than full professors did for an entire year.[four] Such exploits made Knuth a topic of discussion among the mathematics department, which included Richard S. Varga.
In January 1962, when he was a graduate student in the mathematics department at Caltech, Knuth was approached by Addison-Wesley to write a volume well-nigh compiler pattern, and he proposed a larger scope. He came up with a list of 12 chapter titles the same day. In the summer of 1962 he worked on a FORTRAN compiler for UNIVAC. During this time, he likewise came upward with a mathematical analysis of linear probing, which convinced him to present the fabric with a quantitative arroyo. After receiving his PhD in June 1963, he began working on his manuscript, of which he finished his first typhoon in June 1965, at 3000 manus-written pages.[5] He had assumed that nearly five hand-written pages would translate into one printed page, only his publisher said instead that about 1+ one⁄two hand-written pages translated to ane printed page. This meant he had approximately 2000 printed pages of material, which closely matches the size of the first three published volumes. The publisher was nervous about accepting such a projection from a graduate pupil. At this point, Knuth received support from Richard Southward. Varga, who was the scientific adviser to the publisher. Varga was visiting Olga Taussky-Todd and John Todd at Caltech. With Varga'southward enthusiastic endorsement, the publisher accustomed Knuth's expanded plans. In its expanded version, the book would be published in vii volumes, each with just ane or 2 chapters.[half dozen] Due to the growth in Chapter 7, which was fewer than 100 pages of the 1965 manuscript, per Vol. 4A p. vi, the programme for Volume 4 has since expanded to include Volumes 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, and perchance more than.
In 1976, Knuth prepared a second edition of Volume two, requiring it to be typeset once again, but the style of type used in the outset edition (called hot type) was no longer available. In 1977, he decided to spend some time creating something more suitable. Eight years afterwards, he returned with TDue eastX, which is currently used for all volumes.
The offering of a so-called Knuth reward check worth "ane hexadecimal dollar" (100HEX base of operations 16 cents, in decimal, is $2.56) for any errors found, and the correction of these errors in subsequent printings, has contributed to the highly polished and even so-authoritative nature of the work, long after its first publication. Some other feature of the volumes is the variation in the difficulty of the exercises. Knuth even has a numerical difficulty scale for rating those exercises, varying from 0 to fifty, where 0 is trivial, and 50 is an open question in contemporary research.[7]
Knuth's dedication reads:
This series of books is affectionately dedicated
to the Type 650 computer once installed at
Case Institute of Technology,
with whom I have spent many pleasant evenings.[a]
Assembly language in the book [edit]
All examples in the books use a linguistic communication called "MIX assembly language", which runs on the hypothetical MIX reckoner. Currently, the MIX computer is being replaced by the MMIX computer, which is a RISC version. Software such every bit GNU MDK exists to provide emulation of the MIX architecture. Knuth considers the utilize of assembly language necessary for the speed and retentivity usage of algorithms to be judged.
Disquisitional response [edit]
Knuth was awarded the 1974 Turing Award "for his major contributions to the analysis of algorithms […], and in item for his contributions to the 'art of computer programming' through his well-known books in a continuous serial past this title."[8] American Scientist has included this work among "100 or so Books that shaped a Century of Scientific discipline", referring to the twentieth century,[ix] and within the computer science community it is regarded every bit the first and still the all-time comprehensive handling of its bailiwick. [ failed verification ] Covers of the third edition of Volume i quote Bill Gates equally maxim, "If you think you're a really good programmer… read (Knuth's) Art of Computer Programming… You should definitely send me a résumé if yous tin read the whole affair."[10] The New York Times referred to information technology as "the profession's defining treatise".[eleven]
Volumes [edit]
Completed [edit]
- Volume 1 – Cardinal Algorithms
- Affiliate 1 – Basic concepts
- Chapter 2 – Data structures
- Volume 2 – Seminumerical Algorithms
- Chapter 3 – Random numbers
- Chapter 4 – Arithmetic
- Book 3 – Sorting and Searching
- Chapter 5 – Sorting
- Affiliate 6 – Searching
- Volume 4A – Combinatorial Algorithms
- Chapter vii – Combinatorial searching (part i)
Planned [edit]
- Book 4B... – Combinatorial Algorithms (chapters 7 & viii released in several subvolumes)
- Chapter seven – Combinatorial searching (connected)
- Chapter eight – Recursion
- Volume 5 – Syntactic Algorithms
- Chapter 9 – Lexical scanning (also includes cord search and data compression)
- Chapter 10 – Parsing techniques
- Book half dozen – The Theory of Context-Complimentary Languages
- Volume seven – Compiler Techniques
Affiliate outlines [edit]
Completed [edit]
Book i – Cardinal Algorithms [edit]
- Chapter 1 – Basic concepts
- one.1. Algorithms
- one.2. Mathematical Preliminaries
- 1.ii.1. Mathematical Induction
- i.two.2. Numbers, Powers, and Logarithms
- one.2.3. Sums and Products
- ane.2.four. Integer Functions and Elementary Number Theory
- ane.two.five. Permutations and Factorials
- 1.2.6. Binomial Coefficients
- ane.two.vii. Harmonic Numbers
- 1.2.8. Fibonacci Numbers
- ane.ii.9. Generating Functions
- ane.two.10. Analysis of an Algorithm
- i.2.11. Asymptotic Representations
- 1.2.eleven.1. The O-notation
- 1.2.11.two. Euler'due south summation formula
- 1.2.11.iii. Some asymptotic calculations
- i.3 MMIX (MIX in the hardback copy but updated by fascicle i)
- 1.3.1. Description of MMIX
- 1.3.ii. The MMIX Assembly Language
- i.3.3. Applications to Permutations
- 1.4. Some Key Programming Techniques
- ane.4.i. Subroutines
- 1.4.2. Coroutines
- ane.4.three. Interpretive Routines
- A MIX simulator
- 1.4.three.two. Trace routines
- 1.4.iv. Input and Output
- ane.four.five. History and Bibliography
- Affiliate 2 – Information Structures
- 2.1. Introduction
- 2.ii. Linear Lists
- 2.2.1. Stacks, Queues, and Deques
- 2.2.ii. Sequential Allocation
- 2.two.3. Linked Allocation (topological sorting)
- two.2.iv. Circular Lists
- 2.2.5. Doubly Linked Lists
- 2.2.half dozen. Arrays and Orthogonal Lists
- 2.three. Trees
- 2.iii.1. Traversing Binary Trees
- 2.3.2. Binary Tree Representation of Copse
- two.3.3. Other Representations of Trees
- 2.3.4. Basic Mathematical Backdrop of Trees
- 2.3.4.ane. Gratis trees
- 2.three.iv.2. Oriented copse
- 2.3.4.iii. The "infinity lemma"
- Enumeration of trees
- 2.iii.four.5. Path length
- History and bibliography
- two.3.5. Lists and Garbage Collection
- 2.4. Multilinked Structures
- two.five. Dynamic Storage Allocation
- two.6. History and Bibliography
Volume 2 – Seminumerical Algorithms [edit]
- Chapter iii – Random Numbers
- 3.1. Introduction
- 3.2. Generating Uniform Random Numbers
- 3.2.1. The Linear Congruential Method
- Choice of modulus
- 3.two.1.2. Choice of multiplier
- Potency
- iii.2.ii. Other Methods
- 3.2.1. The Linear Congruential Method
- 3.three. Statistical Tests
- 3.3.1. General Test Procedures for Studying Random Data
- 3.three.ii. Empirical Tests
- iii.3.3. Theoretical Tests
- 3.iii.four. The Spectral Test
- 3.iv. Other Types of Random Quantities
- iii.4.1. Numerical Distributions
- iii.4.two. Random Sampling and Shuffling
- three.five. What Is a Random Sequence?
- iii.half-dozen. Summary
- Chapter iv – Arithmetic
- 4.i. Positional Number Systems
- four.ii. Floating Point Arithmetic
- 4.two.1. Single-Precision Calculations
- 4.2.2. Accuracy of Floating Point Arithmetic
- iv.two.three. Double-Precision Calculations
- 4.two.4. Distribution of Floating Indicate Numbers
- 4.3. Multiple Precision Arithmetic
- 4.3.i. The Classical Algorithms
- 4.iii.2. Modular Arithmetic
- 4.3.3. How Fast Can We Multiply?
- 4.4. Radix Conversion
- four.5. Rational Arithmetic
- four.5.1. Fractions
- 4.5.2. The Greatest Mutual Divisor
- four.v.3. Analysis of Euclid's Algorithm
- four.5.four. Factoring into Primes
- 4.6. Polynomial Arithmetic
- iv.6.1. Division of Polynomials
- iv.6.two. Factorization of Polynomials
- iv.6.3. Evaluation of Powers (addition-chain exponentiation)
- 4.6.4. Evaluation of Polynomials
- Manipulation of Power Series
Book 3 – Sorting and Searching [edit]
- Chapter v – Sorting
- 5.1. Combinatorial Backdrop of Permutations
- 5.1.1. Inversions
- 5.1.2. Permutations of a Multiset
- v.1.3. Runs
- 5.ane.4. Tableaux and Involutions
- five.2. Internal sorting
- 5.2.i. Sorting by Insertion
- 5.2.2. Sorting by Exchanging
- 5.2.three. Sorting by Selection
- five.2.4. Sorting by Merging
- five.ii.v. Sorting by Distribution
- 5.3. Optimum Sorting
- 5.3.1. Minimum-Comparison Sorting
- 5.3.2. Minimum-Comparison Merging
- v.3.3. Minimum-Comparison Selection
- v.three.four. Networks for Sorting
- 5.four. External Sorting
- 5.4.1. Multiway Merging and Replacement Option
- v.4.2. The Polyphase Merge
- 5.iv.iii. The Pour Merge
- 5.4.four. Reading Tape Backwards
- 5.4.5. The Oscillating Sort
- 5.4.half dozen. Practical Considerations for Tape Merging
- External Radix Sorting
- five.4.viii. Two-Tape Sorting
- 5.4.9. Disks and Drums
- 5.5. Summary, History, and Bibliography
- 5.1. Combinatorial Backdrop of Permutations
- Chapter 6 – Searching
- six.1. Sequential Searching
- half-dozen.2. Searching by Comparison of Keys
- 6.two.1. Searching an Ordered Table
- 6.two.2. Binary Tree Searching
- 6.two.three. Balanced Trees
- half-dozen.two.4. Multiway Copse
- 6.three. Digital Searching
- half dozen.4. Hashing
- 6.five. Retrieval on Secondary Keys
Volume 4A – Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1 [edit]
- Affiliate 7 – Combinatorial Searching
- Zeros and Ones
- 7.1.ane. Boolean Basics
- 7.1.two. Boolean Evaluation
- 7.1.3. Bitwise Tricks and Techniques
- 7.1.4. Binary Determination Diagrams
- seven.two. Generating All Possibilities
- Generating Bones Combinatorial Patterns
- vii.2.1.1. Generating all n-tuples
- vii.two.1.2. Generating all permutations
- 7.ii.1.iii. Generating all combinations
- seven.ii.1.4. Generating all partitions
- 7.2.i.five. Generating all set partitions
- vii.2.i.6. Generating all trees
- History and further references
- Generating Bones Combinatorial Patterns
- Zeros and Ones
Planned [edit]
Book 4B, 4C, 4D – Combinatorial Algorithms [edit]
- Affiliate 7 – Combinatorial Searching (continued)
- 7.2. Generating all possibilities (continued)
- vii.2.2. Backtrack programming (published in Fascicle five)
- 7.two.2.i. Dancing links (published in Fascicle five)
- seven.2.2.2. Satisfiability (published in Fascicle 6)
- 7.2.2.three. Constraint satisfaction
- Hamiltonian paths and cycles (online draft in pre-fascicle 8A)
- vii.2.2.5. Cliques
- Covers (Vertex cover, Set cover trouble, Exact embrace, Clique encompass)
- vii.2.two.7. Squares
- 7.2.2.viii. A potpourri of puzzles (online draft in pre-fascicle 9B) (includes Perfect digital invariant)
- Estimating backtrack costs (chapter six of "Selected Papers on Analysis of Algorithms", and Fascicle 5, pp 44−47, under the heading "Running fourth dimension estimates")
- 7.2.iii. Generating inequivalent patterns (includes discussion of Pólya enumeration theorem) (meet "Techniques for Isomorph Rejection", Ch 4 of "Classification Algorithms for Codes and Designs" by Kaski and Östergård)
- vii.2.2. Backtrack programming (published in Fascicle five)
- 7.iii. Shortest paths
- 7.4. Graph algorithms
- seven.iv.1. Components and traversal
- vii.iv.1.i. Union-notice algorithms
- Depth-first search
- 7.iv.1.iii. Vertex and edge connectivity
- 7.iv.2. Special classes of graphs
- 7.4.3. Expander graphs
- seven.4.four. Random graphs
- seven.iv.1. Components and traversal
- vii.v. Graphs and optimization
- 7.5.1. Bipartite matching (including maximum-cardinality matching, Stable union problem, Mariages Stables)
- 7.5.ii. The consignment problem
- 7.v.3. Network flows
- 7.v.iv. Optimum subtrees
- vii.5.5. Optimum matching
- 7.5.6. Optimum orderings
- 7.6. Independence theory
- 7.6.1. Independence structures
- 7.half-dozen.two. Efficient matroid algorithms
- 7.7. Discrete dynamic programming (see as well Transfer-matrix method)
- 7.8. Branch-and-jump techniques
- 7.nine. Herculean tasks (aka NP-hard problems)
- seven.10. Well-nigh-optimization
- 7.2. Generating all possibilities (continued)
- Affiliate viii – Recursion (affiliate 22 of "Selected Papers on Analysis of Algorithms")
Volume v – Syntactic Algorithms [edit]
- Chapter nine – Lexical scanning (includes also string search and data compression)
- Chapter 10 – Parsing techniques
Volume vi – The Theory of Context-costless Languages[12] [edit]
Book seven – Compiler Techniques [edit]
English editions [edit]
Electric current editions [edit]
These are the current editions in society by volume number:
- The Art of Calculator Programming, Volumes i-4A Boxed Set. Tertiary Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 2011), 3168pp. ISBN 978-0-321-75104-ane, 0-321-75104-3
- Volume one: Fundamental Algorithms. 3rd Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1997), xx+650pp. ISBN 978-0-201-89683-one, 0-201-89683-4. Errata: [one] (2011-01-08), [two] (2020-03-26, 27th printing). Addenda: [3] (2011).
- Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms. Third Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1997), xiv+762pp. ISBN 978-0-201-89684-eight, 0-201-89684-2. Errata: [4] (2011-01-08), [v] (2020-03-26, 26th press). Addenda: [half-dozen] (2011).
- Volume three: Sorting and Searching. Second Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1998), xiv+780pp.+foldout. ISBN 978-0-201-89685-5, 0-201-89685-0. Errata: [7] (2011-01-08), [viii] (2020-03-26, 27th printing). Addenda: [ix] (2011).
- Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Role 1. Showtime Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 2011), fifteen+883pp. ISBN 978-0-201-03804-0, 0-201-03804-8. Errata: [x] (2020-03-26, ? printing).
- Volume one, Fascicle ane: MMIX – A RISC Computer for the New Millennium. (Addison-Wesley, 2005-02-14) ISBN 0-201-85392-two. Errata: [eleven] (2020-03-16) (volition be in the fourth edition of volume ane)
- Book four, Fascicle v: Mathematical Preliminaries Redux; Backtracking; Dancing Links. (Addison-Wesley, 2019-11-22) xiii+382pp, ISBN 978-0-13-467179-6. Errata: [12] (2020-03-27) (volition get part of volume 4B)
- Volume 4, Fascicle 6: Satisfiability. (Addison-Wesley, 2015-12-08) xiii+310pp, ISBN 978-0-13-439760-3. Errata: [13] (2020-03-26) (will become office of volume 4B)
Previous editions [edit]
Complete volumes [edit]
These volumes were superseded by newer editions and are in order past date.
- Book 1: Central Algorithms. Showtime edition, 1968, xxi+634pp, ISBN 0-201-03801-three.[13]
- Volume two: Seminumerical Algorithms. First edition, 1969, xi+624pp, ISBN 0-201-03802-1.[13]
- Volume 3: Sorting and Searching. Starting time edition, 1973, eleven+723pp+foldout, ISBN 0-201-03803-X. Errata: [14].
- Book one: Central Algorithms. 2nd edition, 1973, xxi+634pp, ISBN 0-201-03809-9. Errata: [15].
- Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms. Second edition, 1981, xiii+ 688pp, ISBN 0-201-03822-6. Errata: [xvi].
- The Fine art of Calculator Programming, Volumes i-3 Boxed Prepare. Second Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1998), pp. ISBN 978-0-201-48541-7, 0-201-48541-9
Fascicles [edit]
Volume iv'south fascicles 0–4 were revised and published as Volume 4A:
- Book 4, Fascicle 0: Introduction to Combinatorial Algorithms and Boolean Functions. (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2008-04-28) vi+240pp, ISBN 0-321-53496-four. Errata: [17] (2011-01-01).
- Book iv, Fascicle i: Bitwise Tricks & Techniques; Binary Decision Diagrams. (Addison-Wesley Professional person, 2009-03-27) viii+260pp, ISBN 0-321-58050-8. Errata: [18] (2011-01-01).
- Book 4, Fascicle two: Generating All Tuples and Permutations. (Addison-Wesley, 2005-02-14) v+127pp, ISBN 0-201-85393-0. Errata: [19] (2011-01-01).
- Volume iv, Fascicle iii: Generating All Combinations and Partitions. (Addison-Wesley, 2005-07-26) vi+150pp, ISBN 0-201-85394-9. Errata: [20] (2011-01-01).
- Volume 4, Fascicle iv: Generating All Trees; History of Combinatorial Generation. (Addison-Wesley, 2006-02-06) half-dozen+120pp, ISBN 0-321-33570-viii. Errata: [21] (2011-01-01).
Volume 4'southward fascicles 5–vi will become part of Book 4B:
- Volume 4, Fascicle 5: Mathematical Preliminaries Redux; Backtracking; Dancing Links. (Addison-Wesley, 2019-11-22) xiii+382pp, ISBN 978-0-13-467179-six. Errata: [22] (2020-03-27)
- Book 4, Fascicle 6: Satisfiability. (Addison-Wesley, 2015-12-08) 13+310pp, ISBN 978-0-13-439760-3. Errata: [23] (2020-03-26)
Pre-fascicles [edit]
Volume 4'south pre-fascicles 5A, 5B, and 5C were revised and published as fascicle five.
Book iv'southward pre-fascicle 6A was revised and published as fascicle 6.
- Book 4, Pre-fascicle 8A: Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles
- Volume 4, Pre-fascicle 9B: A Potpourri of Puzzles
Come across also [edit]
- Introduction to Algorithms
References [edit]
- ^ The dedication was worded slightly differently in the get-go edition.
- ^ "note for box 3, folder 1".
- ^ "Addison-Wesley Pearson webpage".
- ^ "Pearson Educational".
- ^ Frana, Philip L. (2001-11-08). "An Interview with Donald E. Knuth". hdl:11299/107413.
- ^ Donald Knuth, This Week's Commendation Classic, Current Contents, Number 34 (August 23, 1993), folio eight.
- ^ Albers, Donald J. (2008). "Donald Knuth". In Albers, Donald J.; Alexanderson, Gerald L. (eds.). Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews (2 ed.). A M Peters. ISBN978-1-56881-340-0.
- ^ "Reflections on a year of reading Knuth". . Retrieved 2020-07-25 .
I worked, or at least attempted to work, every single problem in the first book. In some cases I settled for just understanding what the question was trying to ask for. In some cases I failed fifty-fifty to accomplish that (don't judge me until you endeavor information technology yourself). Each problem is assigned a difficulty rating from 0-fifty where 0 is footling and 50 is "unsolved research problem" (in the first edition, Fermat'southward last theorem was listed as a 50, but since Andrew Wiles proved it, it's bumped downward to a 45 in the current edition). I think I was able to solve about of the issues rated < 20 — it was hit and miss beyond that. Most of the problems fell into the 20-xxx difficulty range, just Knuth's thought of "difficult" is subjective, and problems that he considers to be of average difficulty concluded upwards stretching my comparatively tiny encephalon painfully. I've never climbed Mount Everest, but I imagine the whole ordeal feels like: painful while you're going through it, but triumphant when you reach the pinnacle.
- ^ "Donald E. Knuth – A. K. Turing Award Winner". AM Turing . Retrieved 2017-01-25 .
- ^ Morrison, Philip; Morrison, Phylis (November–Dec 1999). "100 or and so Books that shaped a Century of Science". American Scientist. Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Order. 87 (half-dozen). Archived from the original on 2008-08-20. Retrieved 2008-01-11 .
- ^ Weinberger, Matt. "Pecker Gates once said 'definitely send me a résumé' if you end this fiendishly hard volume". Business Insider . Retrieved 2016-06-thirteen .
- ^ Lohr, Steve (2001-12-17). "Frances E. Holberton, 84, Early Computer Developer". The New York Times . Retrieved 2010-05-17 .
- ^ "TAOCP – Time to come plans".
- ^ a b Wells, Marking B. (1973). "Review: The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1. Central Algorithms and Volume 2. Seminumerical Algorithms by Donald E. Knuth" (PDF). Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 79 (3): 501–509. doi:10.1090/s0002-9904-1973-13173-eight.
- Slater, Robert (1987). Portraits in Silicon. MIT Press. ISBN0-262-19262-4.
- Shasha, Dennis; Lazere, Cathy (1995). Out of Their Minds: The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Slap-up Computer Scientists . Copernicus. ISBN0-387-97992-i.
External links [edit]
- Overview of topics (Knuth's personal homepage)
- Oral history interview with Donald E. Knuth at Charles Babbage Establish, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Knuth discusses software patenting, structured programming, collaboration and his evolution of TeX. The oral history discusses the writing of The Art of Computer Programming.
- "Robert Due west Floyd, In Memoriam", past Donald E. Knuth - (on the influence of Bob Floyd)
- TAoCP and its Influence of Information science (Softpanorama)
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